“Giving to the
charitable need of
your choice not only
brings smiles to the
faces of those who
receive but also to

Because of GMCT’s unique structure, it offers donors a number of advantages:

PermanenceYour gifts will keep giving forever to the charitable cause you designate.

Tax SavingsContributions qualify for the maximum deductibility for the income and estate tax purposes.

Flexibility-You can create a fund that responds to your charitable interests and needs, whatever they may
be.  The purpose of you fund can be as specific or as open-ended as you desire.

Fund Name You may use choose the name of the fund you create.  You may use your own name or that of your family, a friend, and an organization or if you wish, a name that maintains your anonymity.  Once established, you or any individual, organization or business may add to the fund.  Grants
from the fund are always made in the name of the fund and GMCT.

Simplicity -Establishing a fund is easy.  Standard “fund agreements” are quickly adapted to reflect your intentions.

All funds are professionally managed. GMCT’s board of directors and professional staff exercise fiduciary responsibility over all GMCT assets. While all funds are accounted for separately, they are generally invested in a common pool to assure a balanced portfolio that minimizes risk and enhances the likelihood of a good return to charity.

Ways to Give A wide variety of assets may be gifted to a fund.GMCT’s giving options include:  cash, appreciated securities, other appreciated assets, bequests, life insurance, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, transfer of a private foundation and gifts from retirement accounts.